Potential in North Maluku

Potentials in the possesion of North Maluku :

1. Food Crop Petential

Potential land large enough for some commodities, especially food crops such as rice area harvestedin 2003 reached 16.409 ha with total production reaching 60.131 tonnes of maize whith an area of 2462 ha with crop production of 3778 tons, sweet potato harvested area of 3321 ha with harvest 28.387 tonnes, Cassava harvested area of 8585 ha with a production od 103.297 tonnes, with an area of groundnut crop harvested area of 1547 ha with 1748 tons. Other agricultural commodities too much cultivated in this region is, soybeans, green beans, vegetables such as potatoes, cabbage / kale, mustard greens, tomato, red onion, banwang leaf, garlic and fruits like, grapefruit, star fruit, breadfruit, durian, guava, mangosteen, papaya, banana, rambutan, ans salak.

2. Planatation Potential

In the platation sector, there is potential for large coconut plantation, which is indicated by the condition that most people in this region seek this commodity. Noted there are 10 agricultural commodities listed in North Maluku that sustains plantation sub-sector.
Primary commodities are cocoa crop (c0c0a), clove and coconut. From some of these commodities on average the highest productivity levels in South Halmahera regency, district of North Halmahera and West Halmahera.

3. Forestry Sector Potential

Forest areas in North Maluku in 2003 an area of 3.18491 million hectares, comprising 702.539 ha of protected forest, limited production of 572.845 ha of forest, 552.227 ha of production forests, 48.836 ha of woods and forests of PPA conversion of 1,308,463 ha. From the potential of the wood used in the production of plywood exports 28.371 tons with 11.476 million U.S. dollars export value of sawn timber and 329.000 tons with export value of U.S. Dollars 62 million ( data from January to Sebtember 2003)

The area is 162.393 ha of coconut platations with production in 2003 amounted to 121.831 tons of coconut. Other commodities are also large enough and many are cultivated clove with
area reaches 10.882 ha and the production in 2003 reached 6528 tons; nutmeg is also much cultivated in several locations with total area of 9833 ha and production in 2003 reached 5899 tons; cocoa area reaches 26.686 ha and the production of 19.998 tons; nutmeg with area 9833 ha, with production reaching 5899 tons; coffee with area 4025 ha with a production reaches 2414 tons.

4. Potential Livestock

Types of livestock that has access is the development of agribusiness; beef cattle and fowl ( chicken, broiler, layer and ducks). In general, North Maluku has a fitness area where the land farm development include vacant land, grassland, palm garden and yard area. North Maluku region is expanse that could be as an area for farm development is concentrated.

5. Potential of Marine Affairs and Fisheries

By looking at the characteristics of North Maluku province, consisting of 76.28% is water, it can be said that, the development potential in some areas leading sectors, particularly fisheries and marine sub-sector has a very promising prospect. The available potential in fisheries and marine sub-sector ( standing stock ) amounting to 694,382.48 tons per year with sustainable yields of 347,191.24 tons per year, and only used by 26.51% or approximately 92052.21 tonnes per year.

Species of fish scattered in the waters of North maluku is a large pelagic fish ( tuna, skipjack, tuna and mackerel Kakap ) potential of 211,590.00 tons per year, small pelagic fish ( anchovies, bloating, kites, and for the first time trevally ) with a potential annual amounted to 169,834.33 tons, demersal fish ( red snapper, lencan, yellow tail, baronang ) amounted to 135,005.24 tons per year with the potential of reef fish per year is $ 97801.78 tons, with a potential of lobster per year amounted to 11999.74 tonnes, Squid potential of 35072.18 tonnes per year, Shrimp penied potential of 26545.26 tonnes per year.

Also capture fishery production for this type of large pelagis fish 25488,36 tonnes per year, amounting to 40159,66 tonnes of small pelagis per year, amounting to 14997.10 demersial tons per year, amounting to 9872.48 tonnes of reef fish per year, Lobster at 2973,97 tons per year, amounting to 4987,98 Squid tons per year, and Shrimp Penied 2002.10 tons per year.

While aquaculture by type of commodity grouper with a land area of 24.75 hectares, with an area of sea grass is 74.25 hectares of land, Tilapia and carp with total area of 22.67 hectares, and Shrimp with total area of 20.10 Ha, the production achieved in the year 2004 for species of grouper at 38.484 tons per year, amounting to 16.387 tonnes seaweed per year, Tilapia and carp at 19.682 tons per year, and Shrimp for 3556 tons per year.

6. Mining Potential

Potential of metallic minerals and non-metals such nikel-cobalt, copper, gold and silver is a commodity to be developed further. Halmahera Island has a potential gold deposit which is prospective, the findings of epithermal gold deposits in areas with potential Gosowong contained in the magnetic arc. For nickel ore supply planning for the Feni plant consumption in 2000-2030 is required as many as 48.75 million tons. While newly available until now only as much as 16.355 million tons, so there is shortage of as many as 32.395 million tons of nickel ore. Source laterite nickel Vedic bay area which until now has not done a detailed exploitation that ranges 92 million tons.

Indication of a hydro-carbon oil seepage indicated by symptoms such as those found on the island of Halmahera conducted by Pertamina and British Petroleum in South Halmahera Basin with flour seepage at a depth of 3000 meters, in addition there is potential in Jailolo geothermal, geothermal energy is Songa Bacan.

Of the various potentials,
so-called North Maluku Province natural laboratory because of its position in geology in the collision of three tectonic plates, namely the Australian plate is moving toward the south, the Eurasian Plate moving from the west and the Pacific Plate from the west. Some mineral resources or mineral ingredients found scattered in almost all areas of North Maluku, such as Copper, Uranium, Gold, Nickel, Coal, Alumanium / Bauxite, Magnesite, Iron Sand, Titanium, Manganese, Asbestos, Kaolin, diatomite, Gems, chromite, Quartz, limestone, pumice stone, Granite, Talk, Oil and Gas Potential of Geothermal, and Water Resources.

Likewise, for the mining operations which supported the availability of potential mines, particularly the exploitation of Gold and Nickel. While there is still potential for the minerals that have not been processed as many as 18 dozen kinds of minerals which include a class A, B and C. Production levels in the same year reached 11.67 million U.S. dollars export value.

In the mining sector supported by the availability of potential mines, particularly the exploitation of Gold and Nickel as well as 18 dozen kinds of minerals which include a class A, B and C that have not been processed. Halmahera Island has a potential gold deposit which is prospective, the findings of epithermal gold deposits in areas with potential Gosowong contained in the magnetic arc. Source laterite nickel Vedic bay area which until now has not done a detailed exploitation that ranges 92 million tons. Indication of a hydro-carbon in the province of North Maluku indicated by symptoms such as oil seepage found on the island of Halmahera conducted by Pertamina and British Petroleum in South Halmahera Basin seepage at depths of 3000 meters flour, other than that there is in Jailolo geothermal potential, geothermal energy in Songa Bacan.

Of the various potentials, so-called North Maluku Province natural laboratory because of its position in geology in the collision of three tectonic plates, namely the Australian plate is moving toward the south, the Eurasian Plate moving from the west and the Pacific Plate from the west. Some mineral resources or mineral ingredients found scattered in almost all areas of North Maluku, such as Copper, Uranium, Gold, Nickel, Coal, Alumanium / Bauxite, Magnesite, Iron Sand, Titanium, Manganese, Asbestos, Kaolin, diatomite, Gems, chromite, Quartz, limestone, pumice stone, Granite, Talk, Oil and Gas Potential of Geothermal, and Water Resources.
* Gold: 78.2 million tonnes Au = 20-30 grams / tonne, which is available at 16 locations spread across Bacan, Galela, Loloda, Kao, Obi, Sanana, West Taliabu, Kayoa, Morotai Morotai South and North.
* Manganese: the District of North Loloda Galela and District, and exploitation of new 221 553 tons.
* Copper with a total of 70 million tons of content spread across Bacan, Obi, Loloda,
* Iron content with the amount of 87.7 million tonnes (20% Fe)
* Sand Iron with a total content of 10 million tonnes (estimated),
* Coal found at 10 locations spread across Bacan, Jailolo, Galela, Kao, invective / Malifut, South Morotai, Obi, Sanana, West Taliabu and Loloda. Nickel with area 47 898 ha, located at Obi and Taliabu.

7. Tourism Potential

The potential of tourism in this area of cultural tourism and archeology, history, tradition, known as the Sultanate Moloku Kie Raha. Historical relics of the past include the Sultan of Ternate and Kadaton Kadaton Tidore Sultan.

Marine tourism potentials of the islands and beautiful beaches with marine parks and other types of ornamental fish, is a major potential to develop marine tourism. Natural attractions such as rock holes that are spread in almost all areas, forest tourism can be intended for the interests of national parks that have endemic species in the world rankings to 10th. With such potential, the development is directed at the locations that have interactions tourism activities.

Nature reserve area consisting of several types, both on land and sea waters are scattered at various locations such as Mountain Nature Reserve Sibela Bacan Island, Obi Island Nature Reserve, Nature Reserve on the island of Taliabu Taliabu, Seho Island Nature Reserve.

Heritage area which has historical value kepurbakalan spread in the region of North Maluku Province covers cultural reserve in Ternate, Tidore City, West Halmahera, Central Halmahera, South Halmahera District, and North Halmahera regency.

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